Nan & Roch Whitman
Robert Laliberte
Bert and Gina McCarty
Elise Blomer
Martha S.
Karen and Greg
Roger E Holt
Lin Hampton
George and Kathy
Lance Roark
Paul Autore
Diane Solomon
Robert & Mary Woldstad
Fonda Golding
Karen & Dick
Pete Martin
Alan Sherwood
J. B. Mistry
Mike and Jeannie
Dwight and Cindy Burch
J Blake Taylor, CFP,ChFC, RFC, LUTCF
Robert & Virginia Campbell
Bill and Dorothy Holst
Bruce Toline
Debra Patch
My husband and I decided to purchase long-term care insurance as we have witnessed the experiences of numerous family members and family friends with a wide range of in-home assistance needs and nursing home needs. Working with Jess Wilson, we were able to find a policy with a highly rated insurer that provides benefits for both situations. Jess patiently and meticulously worked with us to find an affordable plan that meets our needs.
Earl & Vicky Jeter
We're new to long term health care. . . . Jess Wilson stepped us through the complicated procedure and helped us both see we were getting the best product for our buck, with even better benefits than the federal government provides - being a retired federal worker. We had to compare and understand each process so we could make the best decision. It took many hours and even more calls back and forth to make that decision and Jess was very willing and capable of answering every question. He followed up with every change and concern. We now have our long-term care insurance policy and all of our concerns have been met. We are both very happy with the end result. Jess should be commended for being a great informed team member and one of the best customer service representatives you have. I have dealt with every kind of attitude being in the DOD and Jess handled himself very professionally.
Jess was very helpful to us in making the right choice for our needs. Choosing the right policy can be confusing and he was there to assist us during the process. We appreciate his expertise! Read More
Mike and Jeannie

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